Thursday, May 10, 2007


Originally uploaded by mrolesen.
This must have been quite a few months ago. Erin and I had been hiking regularly at Will Rogers State Park. Ivan came with us on this trip and we went farther down a particular trail then we had been before. We passed a decrepit house which do well in a horror movie set. A ways down the path we came across this run down structure which had the appearance of an old mental ward. Maybe it used to be a beautiful home in a remote location, but it doesn't appear that way any more.

Poor Ivan hurt his ankle on the way back up the hill, but I believe he has since recovered; at least he claims he did.

1 comment:

Heather Ann said...

Okay, now I'm homesick for Will Roger's Park; so many memories! This is such a great picture, and I have to say the green background on your blog totally makes it POP!